• Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure

    Updated: 2012-08-31 23:20:20
    This is the basic model of the Lunar Space Elevator Infrastructure. We call it LSEI or “Elsie” for short. The system can be constructed within 8 years, using current “Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) technology.

  • Will Artificial Intelligence Turn Evil & Against Humans?

    Updated: 2012-08-31 23:20:20
    Luke Muehlhauser, Executive Director of the Singularity Institute for Artificial Intelligence, joins us to talk about the future of AI, whether the fiction-based idea that robots and AI will eventually turn against each other is based in any reality, and more.

  • Chinese Robots Play Ping-Pong

    Updated: 2012-08-31 23:20:20
    A humanoid robot system for table tennis playing developed by Zhejiang University, China was recently reported by Chinese media. The system consists of two humanoid robots. Each robot is 55kg in weight, 160cm in height and has 30 Degrees of freedom. This demo shows a rally between these two robots which last 176 strokes(about 2.5 minutes). This video also shows that one humanoid robot can rally with a human player with various ball speed and can strike the ball using either forehand or backhand.

  • IEET’s Top Essays and Videos in August

    Updated: 2012-08-31 23:20:20
    What did IEET visitors read, watch and argue about in August?  Statistics reveal a big interest in enhancement, the singularity, life extension, and tech innovation.http://www.ieet.org/images/uploads/topvcvccv.jpg

  • The World’s Nicest Prison

    Updated: 2012-08-31 23:20:20
    Bastoy Prison is called the world’s nicest prison. It has beachfront sunbathing, fishing, and relaxing saunas on a small Norwegian island dotted with pine trees, rocky coasts, rustic farms and private, wooden cottages.

  • New Short Introduction by Research Associate Joshua Fox

    Updated: 2012-08-29 23:22:20
    Our research associate Joshua Fox has penned a short introduction on Friendly AI, which is translated and revised from a version which appeared in Hebrew in the Israeli magazine Galileo. Here is an excerpt: In coming decades, computer engineers will … Continue reading →

  • how to weave machinery into biology

    Updated: 2012-08-29 12:21:00
    As we’re starting to test artificially grown organs, scientists are wondering how to make sure that their methods result in viable tissues. One of the first steps was to take organ growth into three dimensions, letting the cells grow on a scaffold and self-organize into the right muscles, valves, and other soft tissue. Usually these [...]

  • A Selection from the Singularity Institute’s Bookshelf

    Updated: 2012-08-27 23:40:14
    The books listed here are: Sipser, Introduction to the Theory of Computation (2nd edition) Gowers et al. (eds.), The Princeton Companion to Mathematics Koller & Friendman, Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques Sethna, Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity Russell & … Continue reading →

  • is the future of computing digital or analog?

    Updated: 2012-08-26 12:51:58
    Considering that virtually every electronic device you use on a daily basis is either digital or has some sort of a digital component, you’d think that this is a ridiculous question. Obviously, digital is better and the debate has been settled since the 1960s, otherwise we wouldn’t be using digital computing right now, right? After [...]

  • Singularity Summit 2012 Promo Video!

    Updated: 2012-08-21 01:16:38
    Singularity Summit 2012 – Create the Future from Singularity Institute on Vimeo. The Singularity Summit is the world’s leading dialog on the Singularity, bringing together scientists, technologists, skeptics, and enthusiasts alike. It was created to provide a much needed forum … Continue reading →

  • Whiteboards at the Singularity Institute

    Updated: 2012-08-19 23:00:53
    For your enjoyment, some recent whiteboards at the Singularity Institute…

  • July 2012 Newsletter

    Updated: 2012-08-06 20:34:32
    This newsletter was sent out to Singularity Institute newsletter subscribers in July 2012 Greetings from the Executive Director Friends of the Singularity Institute, Greetings! Our new monthly newsletter will bring you the latest updates from the Singularity Institute (SI). (You … Continue reading →

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